Destinations, Jacks on a Journey, Brazil, South America, Rio de Janeiro, Iguazu Falls, Carnival, Samba, churrascaria,

Before travelling please be sure to consult any local travel advice.

As the largest country in South America (try half the continents land mass!), any traveller would need a lot of time to fully explore this diverse paradise.

We had just 2 weeks. So we wouldn’t even pretend to suggest we really know ‘the full Brazil’. However even our short time in this captivating country gave us a wonderful insight into its raw, natural beauty and eclectic culture.


CURRENCY: Brazilian Real (pl: reais)
1 USD = 5.15 BRL
1 GBP = 6.55 BRL

*Updated May ‘2024

Exchange was 1 USD = 3.5 BRL during our visit in Feb ’18

Brazil was the eighth, and sadly last, country we visited on our South America journey since backpacking south from Colombia.

Other than simply not having enough time left, part of the reason we did such a short stint in Brazil at the end was the costs. We arrived in Brazil slap bang in the middle of high season, right before Carnival. It was definitely a little spenny.

A Carnival ‘bloco’

Fortunately we were well aware and prepared, so it wasn’t a shock on arrival. Also passing through Chile, Argentina and Uruguay had broken us in gradually with the higher prices. It was a far cry from our super cheap start in Colombia though!

When we first started researching hostels in Rio, the majority were around the $18-$25 USD each. Per night. In a 12-15+ bed dorm, often with 3-tier bunks.
No. Thank. You.

Some were charging even more (cue jaw-drop)! A private room averaging $80 USD was certainly out the question.

But before your write-off Brazil as a budget destination, we want to reassure you that there are still decent deals out there, even in high season. The trick is forward planning. Our advice is don’t leave it until last minute.

Tip: When a hostel is dirt-cheap, even in peak season, make sure to research why. A couple of bargains we found were for those on the edge of favelas. Each to their own but we personally would rather pay a few dollars more to feel safe when leaving a hostel. This goes for most places, but especially Rio.

As with accommodation, prices for attractions and excursions can be a stretch to a budget backpacker. Brazil does boast some world-class destinations after all.

Views from Rio’s Sugarloaf Mountain

If staying in a city, particularly, factor in additional costs for transport. Again, it’s better to pay the extra cash for a taxi than walk somewhere that doesn’t feel right.

Lastly, to save money on food, the standard rule for travellers is to find where the locals eat. Food costs could vary quite substantially but good value can be found.


Based on our experience, we are pretty confident in suggesting that whatever you eat will be delicious!

Like their neighbours to the west, Brazilians are definitely a fan of their meat. We were already acquainted with the inner marvels of a Brazilian steakhouse before our visit.

While these are a further stretch on the budget in a relatively expensive country, a Por Kilo is luckily not. Assuming you don’t crazy like we did and fill your plates, since you pay by weight.

A plate piled high with various Brazilian food
The result of too much choice at a por kilo in Rio

If you want to be cheaper again, then street food is a must.

We would encourage anyone to try coxinha. These tear-dropped chicken croquettes are just heavenly! As are the endless array of pão de queijo (cheese breads) available. So bloomin’ good!

The Journey

As previously noted, our time in Brazil was sadly far too short. We entered the country from Argentina while visiting Iguazu Falls (a super easy border crossing).

From here it was a gargantuan 27 and a half hour bus ride to Rio de Janeiro; our longest bus journey in South America!

We enjoyed 10 wonderful days exploring – as well as relaxing – in the city. Rio really is spectacularly stunning and deservedly on many a travellers bucket-list.

We have therefore done our best to compile our experiences so that you don’t miss out if you find yourself, like us, backpacking in Rio de Janeiro.

Backpacking in Rio de Janeiro

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